Emele And Leadership In Challenging Times, Triumphant Storm Rider

By Joseph Aniemeka Nwachukwu

Imolite deeply acknowledge Hon. Rubby Emele’s insightful political voyage as aptly hypothesized by the Anglo-Irish author, Essayist vand Poet, Jonathan Swift that, ‘Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others”.

There is no iota of doubt that the time we are in is a challenging one indeed. Hon. Rubby Emele has clearly demonstrated an uncommon zeal towards aligning with goals and aspiration of the 3R mantra, that of Governor Hope Uzodinma and of the Imo citizens by ensuring that infrastructural facilities are provided in our rural communities, thereby promoting the interest and welfare of the common people.

Our contribution to life is squarely benchmarked by the time, circumstances, opportunities, what needs to be done and what can be done.

Notwithstanding the situation we have found ourselves in Nigeria, the Local Government Administration in the state has, in the last few years, witnessed a tremendous convivial atmosphere with the other two tiers of government, thanks to the eagle eye and vibrant Local Government Administrator, Mrs. Emele. We eulogize and hail Hon. Rubby Emele for her strategic leadership role and algebraic equation which has led to deep support for His Excellency, Distinguish Senator Hope Uzodinma and peace across autonomous communities in Imo State. Everyone needs to join hands in an atmosphere of peace, love, unalloyed loyalty and mutual respect to build a more prosperous, self-reliant, egalitarian and united Imo State. Succinctly put, Chief Hon. Mrs. Rubby Emele is a woman with a difference and a mine worth exploring. She has the fortitude to stand when times get tough and when doubt becomes as thick as fog. Her vision took on pterodactyl wings as she acquired more oomph swimming against the odds when necessary. In all fairness and with minor exceptions, Governor Hope Uzodinma A has by the celestial forces flourished. As Ninetieth Century German Chancellor, Otto Von Bismark pondered the subject, he concluded that “The Statesman’s task is to hear God’s footsteps marching through history and to try and catch on to his coattails as He marches past”. It is clear that Governor Hope Uzodinma took that lesson to heart and understands its subtle and hugely significant meaning.

Governor Uzodinma has excelled in governance. He brought excellence in Imo State through a combination of pragmatic decisions, financial and social engineering that turned it into a model modern state. People like Hon. Rubby Emele and others in assisting to reshape the political landscape in a positive and dynamic manner, confronted local, political and economic challenges.

Considering the practical and theoretical experience of Hon. Rubby Emele, she is a first class mobilizer, a relentless strategist who is very much active, vibrant and working for a prosperous and democratic state.

As a quintessential Local Government Administrator and a fine grassroot Politician, Hon. Rubby Emele’s remarkable service delivery, immense contributions to state building and conducting of seamless local government elections are written in the sands of time.

Her capability in mobilization of women, youths and men in the political space of Imo State particularly for the forthcoming LGA elections is unmatchable, She is a compendium of wisdom. Ruby Emele is currently sensitizing and teaching women, youths, men, groups, associations and rural communities several theories and strategies in political development, essentially for LGA elections. She encourages them to stand firm in opposing oppressors of their fellow human beings and challenge all forms of illegality with* vigour, courage, tenacity and absolute sense of equanimity. Hon. Rubby Emele has clearly demonstrated oomph that evil will only triumph when courageous and triumphant storm riders choose to sleep, slumber and go into oblivion. She maintained that evil men and women will flee the moment people of courage show up.

Hon. Rubby Emele is not ossified, patsy, not parsimonious neither is she lachrymose. As an adroit and altruistic administrator, she can vividly recapitulate that when Christ wanted to select his apostles who could lift some of the present burden from his shoulders, it was a matter of grave concern and so Jesus went up into a mountain, separated himself from the crowd and spent the whole night in prayer to God. Hon. Rubby Emele does the same thing now before the forthcoming Local Government elections in Imo State. She knows that according to Mr. Le Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister of Singapore said “A nation is great not by its size alone. It is the will, the cohesion, and quality of their leaders which ensure its honourable place in history”.

Hon. Rubby Emele has no baggage, inherited no enemy and not hunted by real or imagined enemies. She has already paid her dues in grassroot administration. She has verve, cool, discipline and panache. Instead she inspires lyricism and hope. Interestingly, Governor Hope Uzodinma and Hon. Rubby Emele are themselves magnets for talents. Indeed local government system has been re-energised, re-organized, re-branded and fixed. Great thanks to Governor Uzodinma for fishing out this icon of a woman who has fastidiously stabilized and catapulted the local government system to the next level and as well as restored faith in the state and society, such as massive investments in public works, building rural roads, innovative programmes, promoting agriculture, commerce, upgrading the skills of our youths in initiative programmes and skill acquisition centres.

There is no gainsaying the fact that Chief (Mrs.) Rubby Emele is working harmoniously with the present Sole Administrators and there is no doubt that the incoming Local Government Chairmen and Councillors will in the same vein, cooperate with her by ensuring that they continue from where the Solads stop in no distant time.

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”, according to SUN, Chinese Military General, Strategist, Philosopher and Writer.

Hon. Rubby Emele can be likened to Titan, sage, enigma and is unstoppable. “Hero is judged by his or her performance and the positive impacts achieved”, according to Prof. Ali Mazrui. Hon. Rubby Emele is a finisher in the colony of starters who sees that whatever she started, she must finish it. Her fortitude is matched only by her confidence and optimism.

Like Julius Caesar, Rubby Emele is a colossus that bestrides the earth. She is a Spartan. A great prayer warrior and a Titan. The Tamer of horses and Achilles, the slayer of giants who has devoted her entire life and being to the service of God and defence of the less privileged, the downtrodden, the naked and wretched of the earth. A woman with perfect understanding of the transient nature of life, power and affluence.

Dr. Joseph Aniemeka Nwachukwu

Public Affairs Analyst

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